Scribble - A Free Android Application
If you've ever used an audio mixing board, you may have noticed the scribble strip running down the width of the board. The scribble strip allows you to write notes and channel names on the board. It helps you identify a channel quickly and accurately, even if the mixer doesn't have a digital display. It also keeps track of your setups so you can recall them easily in the future.
Another feature of Scribble is the ability to use your Apple Pencil. This is helpful if you want to write on pages without the use of your hands. You can also use it to write in profile pages or search fields. The app also gives you the ability to use your finger to control the cursor and change the size and color.
Another feature of Scribble is its editing capabilities. You can select text with the Apple Pencil and delete it, or you can scribble over it to select it and move on to the next section. You can also select a large section of text by circling or drawing a line through it. This feature can help you correct any mistakes you make, without ever reaching for the keyboard. You can also use the insert and join commands to join multiple lines of text.
Adding animations to images is another great feature of the Scribbl app. This free app allows you to draw your own animations, and you can then add them to videos or photos. It has a wide range of tools that you can use to make your images visually appealing.